known for offering best quality hydraulic presses, we have incorporated
latest technological advancements into the offered range of vacuum
compression moulding presses. Finding usage in processing of rubber, plastic
and composites, these presses feature
- Higher operating efficiencies
- Higher productivity
- Better product quality
We also offer one of most advanced compression molding presses
introduced to rubber and plastic industry and were the first to introduce
such technologies at lowest costs. Offering best returns for the one-time
nominal investment made by customers, these vacuum compression molding
presses minimize inclusion of trapped air/gases that cause defective parts.
Further, we have also developed unique technique that allows:
- Creating vacuum chamber around entire mold
- Using any existing tooling in this press while extra costs for vacuum
moulds are eliminated
Our team of engineers also works constantly towards improving
efficiency in handled technologies for different applications. Some of the
advantageous features of technologies offered by us are:
- Vacuum press with vacuum chamber encapsulates only the mould
- Vacuum press with steel doors encapsulates entire press
opening/daylight area
Besides this, we have developed host of new technologies so as to
ensure maximum efficiency of hydraulic compression presses. These new
developments include:
- Fully Automatic Hydraulic Vacuum Compression Molding Press for oil
- Making these available with three and four parts mould opening with
tilting arrangement